What type of lesson is best for you?

Private lessons for an individual or couple
Personal attention is their essence. They’re best if you: have limited time and want relatively fast results; are self-conscious about learning in a group; are part of a couple where each dances at a different level or learns in different ways; want to hone styling, skills, or to learn more advanced steps. Rule of thumb: you get more from a 1- hour private lesson than in a 3-hour class.
Private lessons give faster results because you have the teacher’s complete attention. One
couple who didn’t know zydeco took private lessons for their zydeco wedding a few months later. Classes would have taken them more time to reach the same level, and lesson times were tailored to their busy schedule.
Semi-Private lessons are for 4 to 12 people
A compromise between private lessons and classes. If you can organize a group who would like to learn together, semi-private lessons give more personal attention than classes or workshops, and you can learn with people you know. They cost more than a class and less than a private lesson.
Classes are for 15-30 people
A good way to start, especially for: people who have never done couple or other dancing before; people who dance but have never taken lessons; those who’ve done other dances (a salsa dancer taking zydeco for the first time). They give you a chance to learn basic steps and practice dance skills. They help you become a better all-around dancer by experiencing different partners, and give you the chance to meet others sharing this interest.
Classes must target the average level of the group. There are always people who learn more slowly or quickly, but the teacher has to work with the majority. Classes usually can’t provide gender balance – it’s not possible to know beforehand how many men or women, leaders or followers, will sign up (there tend to be extra women). Since the teacher alternates taking lead and follow roles, you will have a partner most of the lesson. Classes aren’t appropriate for dance coordination between members of a couple or for working on advanced moves. They’re also inappropriate for working on individual styling; to perfect personal moves; or alleviate dance problems. Classes are less expensive than private lessons, with the trade-off of much less personal attention.
Workshops are for 15-300 people
Like classes, they’re geared to teach specific skills and sometimes have a focus, such as new steps or lead and follow.They’re less expensive than classes.
Special Events are custom-designed
These include: weddings, parties, benefits, bar-mitzvahs, etc.
A Louisiana bride (her family knew how to dance) and a New Jersey groom (his family didn’t) hired a Louisiana zydeco band for the wedding and Fredda to teach. A Mardi Gras fund-raiser offered dance lessons with Fredda as part of the entertainment. At a New Orleans conference, Fredda gave lessons after cocktails to help everyone loosen up for the dinner dance.